
Founder Growth Systems by Matt Gray

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the simple system i used to remove myself from my business (and 10X my revenue)

Read Time: 3 minutes The fastest way to hit $3M+ Have you ever asked yourself, “How is Matt doing it?” All the newsletters, the social content, the YouTube videos… and the offers that make me over $630,000 every month… The truth is, it’s all systems. Inside of Founder OS+, I not only teach these systems. My team installs them for you. → We install your custom Content GPS. → We create & package your irresistible offer. → We build your personal brand. → We customize & optimize your newsletter &...

Read Time: 3 minutes Hey Founder, Real quick - I wanted to personally ask: Are you coming to the CEO call I'm hosting soon? In it, I’ll reveal the exact audience growth system I used to: •⁠ ⁠Scale from 20k to over 2M followers •⁠ ⁠Book out more than 14,000 sales calls •⁠ ⁠Generate over $10M in revenue (without spending a penny on ads) >>>RSVP by clicking here (If the link doesn’t work, we’ve hit Zoom capacity) Here’s the tl;dr of what we’re going to jam on during the sesh: •⁠ ⁠The core...

Read Time: 3 minutes How to create a simple and effective marketing plan to convert strangers to your product Naval Ravikant once said: "You're doing marketing cause you failed at product". Marketing can't fix a broken product. But it can become your competitive advantage. Consider energy drinks. There are 100+ products, and they don't taste too different. Yet, Red Bull went from a bootstrapped startup to $12.8B ARR, capturing 43% of the market. How? Two words - Epic marketing. In 1984,...

Read Time: 3 minutes Hey Founder, Hope you're well. There's one big idea I can't stop thinking about right now: We're at the beginning of a personal branding gold rush. When I started writing online 3 years ago, I felt like I was late to the party. Tai Lopez, Grant Cardone, and a bunch of other gurus had been on my Instagram since 2015. Yet, there I was, writing on the internet. Fast forward to today, and I've grown to 2.3M followers. See, EVERY founder I've ever spoken to has felt "late" to...

Level up your online business with Founder OS

Read Time: 1.5 minutes Welcome to the Greatest Founder Community in the World Hello Reader,You’ve just joined a movement made up of over 138,317 founders, most of whom are just like you. That's why Founder OS exists. First off, before we dive in, here’s your free download: 50 Systems to Generate $1M Per Month I know many resources like this often just end up in our “downloads” file…but the systems I’m sharing with you here can have a massive impact on your growth. So I hope you’ll take some...

Read Time: 3 minutes The 7 Reasons People Don't Buy From You (and How to Fix Each One) One sales mistake that easily cost me $1 million: Thinking that, when a prospect started raising objections, it meant I'd lost the sale. But here's what I've since realized: There are only 2 reasons why people don't buy from you: 1) They don't want what you're selling, or 2) They don't trust you Objections aren't a sign of failure - they're a natural part of any successful sales process. The real enemy...

Read Time: 3 minutes Hey Reader, I just got back "home" to Dubai. I made a big move here at the beginning of the year. But to be honest with you, a part of me feels like: "What the f*ck am I doing here?" Don't get me wrong. Dubai is cool. It's spectacular. Many rich people live here. But something is missing......something I can't put my finger on. I miss traveling. So much so, that I watched my own YouTube video I recorded in the bustling streets of Bogotá, Colombia. Here's a link if you...

Read Time: 3 minutes Do THIS To Make $50K Per Month (Content GPS) Want to make an extra $50K per month? I've got the exact system for it, and I'll share it with you in this email. Quick context - This is the most powerful of all the systems I've discovered over my career. It's driven $13.8 million in ARR to my businesses. It enables me to travel the world, work 3 hours a day, and convert my audience into paying customers while I sleep. And I'm not some "lucky" exception. I've taught this...

Hey, 893 founders are joining our CEO coffee break tomorrow. In it, I'll share my 4-step process that built my personal brand to 2.5M+ followers, 140k email subscribers, and $13.5M a year. >> Join Invite Only CEO Call: 4 Steps To Become a Thought Leader (if link doesn't work, we hit the 1.5k attendee max) We will cover REAL case studies: How I built an un-ignorable personal brand that went from 0 to 53,4M+ impressions a month in 4 years The offer framework I used to build new products that...

Read Time: 3 minutes How to make your brand so simple, strangers can’t help but buy from you I recently noticed an interesting thing about all my favorite brands: They are insanely simple. Apple - "Think Different." Louis Vuitton - "The Art of Travel." Tesla - "Accelerate the advent of sustainable transport and electric technology." They’re beautiful because they’re simple. They’re rich because they’re simple. That’s why I want Founder OS to feel insanely simple from now on. Because there are...